Abstract From the researchers’ perspective, the study aimed to identify factors affecting the functionality of postgraduate programs in natural sciences and engineering in a north-western Mexican state. Through the typical cases method, 25 researchers who worked in six doctorate programs in the region were selected. From the perception of these participants, the functionality of the postgraduate program is affected by external factors, such as the weakness of other participants’ actions in the scientific and technological innovation system in the region; and internal factors, in particular, difficulties concerning the formation processes and strategies for academic training and technology transfer into the region.
Keywords: functionality, innovation, postgraduate program, transfer
Valdes, A., Estevez, E. Wedlandt, Vera, J. (2015) Factors Affecting the Functionality of Postgraduate Programs in Natural Sciences and Engineering in a Northwest State in Mexico. International Education Studies. 8 (2), 1-12. DOI: 10.5539/ies.v8n10p1